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  • Writer's pictureShelby Kluver

The third annual Asian American Kickball Tournament ends up a smashing success

Updated: Oct 1, 2018

The teams battle it out for the trophy and the glory down in the West Loop. It is a change of scenery for this tournament, which was held in Lakeview last year, and out in the suburbs the year before.

Five teams participated in the third annual Asian American Kickball Tournament on Sunday, September 30. The groups were raising money to help send one team, the Taiwanese-American Professional's (TAP-Chicago) Typhoon Dragon Boat team, to play in Houston the second weekend in October. Smiles were shared all around as the goal was met -- just two weeks before the trip.

Through a steady drizzle, the teams played a double elimination tournament with four teams playing at a time. Each game was limited to five innings or thirty minutes, and when the dust cleared, team Fury emerged as this year's champions. They were awarded a trophy and a few gift cards, as well as bragging rights for the rest of the year.

TAP-Chicago, the organization represented by the Typhoon Dragon Boat team, hosts several events such as this throughout the year. Besides fundraising for their trip, they also donate to several local charities. Hauwei Lien, captain of Typhoon Dragon Boat, said the group has donated about $3,000 throughout the years, including to Project Vision.

While they did not take home the trophy, Typhoon Dragon Boat's team members were excited to fly to Houston, play ball and spend time together. "I'm really looking forward to it," said member Genevieve Lee. "It will be a great bonding experience for all of us." The tournament is scheduled to take place on October 13.

That friendly connection was present on Sunday as well. As the teams played, volunteers helped maintain a BBQ with grilled meats, corn on the cob, chips and snacks. In between games the players were chatting, laughing and drinking together. Jason Nguy, one of the event organizers, remarked on how helpful everyone had been. "We had a few people bring the food and then pretty much everyone just jumped in to help out!"

That, to many was the true success of the event. Karen Hwang, a member of the Korean American Coalition of Chicago, said, "At the end of the day, it's not about who wins. We're all here to have fun together and bring the community closer!"

To view a full slideshow of event pictures, click here.

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